SAHERO tries level best to implement Chevening Scholars program accordingly and to share the information professionally. And to respond the questions raised during the session very satisfactory. The importance of the Chevening Scholarship is quite notable to students whom are welling to apply as it is merely for eligible students. The administration of SAHERO has conducted many good information session in various governmental universities in different Provinces. Due to the matter of fact, that many private universities have frequently requested to have some Chevening information session in their universities .SAHERO has taken a very positive step and started to conducted in both Governmental and Private universities as well. Ibn-e-Sina (Avicenna) University is one the private university in Kabul and they requested to conduct Chevening Information session in their university. SAHERO is the only organization in Afghanistan which is officially implementing Chevening Scholarship program throughout Afghanistan. Before conducting the session SAHERO team visits and meet in person with the administration of university and fixes the timing and venue according the working plan. Ibn-e-Sina (Avicenna) University has welcome the team and has shown great keen to conduct the session. We have conducted the information session on 10.Sept.2016. The opening of the session has been done by Miss Teena and briefly introduced the SAHERO as IP of British Embassy for Chevening Scholarship program in Afghanistan. She has really appreciated and thanked the British Government for the increase 25% of Scholarship then the past years. And afghan students must take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, and I am sure that afghan students have the potentials to be a great leader in the future for Afghanistan. Regarding the applications closing date, we still have days to come the last dateline of application online to submit is 8 November 2016. As always SAHERO team presents a presentation that covers all the important information that students willing to know as what is Chevening Scholarship program? What is Chevening Scholarship Eligibility? And there are many questions raised by students regarding the Chevening English language requirements. Of course SAHERO is playing the most indispensable role in providing Technical Assistance for those whom are welling to be assisted in filling out the application. Everyone is keen to participate in Chevening Scholarship information session and wants to know each and every step about this Scholarship program. The best of the session was the participation of female students and shown great interest and some has promised to be the future Chevening Alumni and they will serve as great decision maker or leader in Afghanistan. During this information session we had two Chevening Alumni who has shared their experiences regarding studying in UK and to have last relationship with UK.He two Chevening Alumni are currently working in a very top position in Afghanistan.Mr.Huroon Najafi whom is currently working with BBC in Maza-e-Sharif. He feels really delightful and proud of himself as Chevening Scholar and encourage the students to apply and get benefit of this wonderful opportunity. And he added that ‘if I can do it, you people can do it better’. Mr. Najafi called upon the female students to apply because it has a very clear process and everything is merit base there is not favoritism in Chevening Scholarship process.The Transparency and Accountability of the Chevening Scholarship is what make you agree to apply.It is not only to study as Chevening Scholar in UK ,it is more than that , you will meet 46000 Chevening Alumni from almost 160 countries and this is the best opportunity to make a network of sharing ideas and promote empowerment in the region. During your graduation you will find out practitioners in various subject and field such as politics, media, finance, management, social and economic. The second Chevening Alumni in this session was Mr. Mustafa Jamal who has explained and defined the Chevening scholarship statistic and value. Selecting a course is what majority of students facing difficulties. And they do not have the ability to convince the university to issue them unconditional offer. He told the participants about SAHERO and appreciate the work of this organization and way they defines each and every step as it was not in our time when we were applying for Chevening Scholarship. So, you people are lucky to have such a strong organization to provide you TA whenever you needed. And I am sure that you people must thank the UK government for providing scholarship to Afghanistan. SAHERO has great link with Chevening alumni in Afghanistan and tries its level best to invite some of the Chevening Alumni to participate in their information session and share their practical experiences during one year Master degree in UK.According to the plan SAHERO has designed the agenda and we have question and answer session and at the end we have open discussion regarding the Chevening Scholarship Program and online application.This time we had a panel of two Chevening Alumni and SAHERO representative, it was just to respond accordingly and satisfactory. And we really insist on the vision of students to change it to reality.One of the participants asked about two years of experience. Of course Chevening scholarship requirement is to have two years of experience and to complete 2800 hrs of work in any organization and must have prof such as working experience certificate. You can show either part time or internship experiences to convince and fulfill the requirement. There were many other questions regarding the transparency of the Chevening Scholarship program. SAHERO representative ensure that it has a very clear process and you can trust that everything is dealt according to rules, regulation, the eligibility and fulfills of Chevening Scholarship requirements.