Project Success
The participating universities with the Chevening Scholarship Program was a seven-month project achieved by SAHERO between July 2017 to March 2018. Despite many challenges, such as security threats and some official holidays, such as the Eid Holidays, SAHERO was able to draw level with its goals and successfully achieved the proposed objectives. For example, the achievements selected for each objectives are:
1: Promotion of Chevening: SAHERO promoted Chevening scholarship program among the people and persuade them, especially women, to attend informational meetings held by SAHERO. We conducted a marketing initiative campaign to establish interest and create engagement. A total of 4,200 posters and 6,500 brochures are designed, published and distributed among potential applicants. A telephone line was also established on posters for people who would call and get answer for their questions and receive more information about the program.
2: Performing information sessions at the University: Information sessions were conducted at the top 47 universities in nine provinces (Kabul, Bamyan, Herat, Kandahar, Wardak, Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, Javazjan and Paktia provinces). Out of these 47 universities, 38 were private, and nine were Governmental universities. In addition to information sessions provided for students in the universities, two sessions of information were provided to female employees of women’s organizations and other potential applicants. About 3,245 applicants attended inside and outside universities were benefited, of which 934 were female.